Island MUN 2013 Delegate Registration

Hello! MUNERS,

It is glad to announce that Island MUN 2013 will be held on December 21 to 22 this year.This time, we are going to bring some changes to IMUN 2013 compared to the previous one.

Not only do we expeand the number of delegates of the both committees, which are UNHRC and ECOSOC, but we also managed to level up our quality of the social event on the night of the first day. Besides, we try our utmost to promote IMUN as a starter for the new muners because we hope that those who are dedicated to the model united nations shouldn't be discouraged by the expensive commission fee. With our passion and excitement, we are looking forward to seeing every delegate shining in the committees. 

Some notice should be reminded:

1) The registration period is from September 1 to November 24.

2)Registration fee: Early registration fee: NTD$ 1500 ; Regular registration fee: NTD$ 1690

National Taipei University / 新北市三峽區大學路 151 號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2013/08/22 21:10(+0800) ~ 2013/11/30 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
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